Dinner Party News

It is a great time of the year for Obama to have his exclusive Obama Care fundraiser dinner on a cold February day. My boss got me an invitation to the event, and I was going to cover it. The main idea of the event was to invite some of the wealthiest people in the United States to come by the white house. Obama wants to convince these select few to understand how vital Obama Care really is, and how much it can help Americans. Obama had presented his information, and purpose, so now it was time to interview some of the attendees. Some of the people that were invited are some familiar faces. While I made my way around the party. I bumped into Warren Buffett. One of the most famous investors, and “Money Man” of all time. He said Obama did a phenomenal job pitching the idea, but he’s not sure if it’s so good, that it can’t fail. “Big money is going into this project, so if I’m paying for it I better be getting results”, Warren says pulling his check book out. I walked around a bit more, and saw the infamous Oprah Winfrey. She was dressed in a 4000$ dress with two diamond, and gold earrings. Oprah is a big supporter of helping people in need, and with the money she has she can do so as she pleases. She thinks that Obama care is a good idea, and that this is great way to get people the insurance they desperately need. The main course had been served. It was an expensive prime rib steak with gravy, and mashed potatoes. As I looked around the tables it seemed that people were enjoying the steak, but could not put down the mashed potatoes. Quite frankly, neither could I. There was an odd taste to them. “BANG,” The whole party looked over to see the president’s face in his mashed potatoes. The ambulance was called immediately, and many rushed over to see what had happened including, me. One of Obama’s guards checked his vitals. He was alive, and unconscious. The medics rushed him out as the secret service rushed around trying to find the culprit of this attempt on president Obama’s life. The next day I released my interviews, and word back from the forensics lab the Obama’s mashed potatoes were poisoned. It was a very unfortunate happening, but many people agreed to Obama’s cause, and the steak was very good.

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