Shattered Glass Movies Thoughts

Shattered Glass was a very interesting movie. The movie started making us think he was a good person, and that it was all about him. As story progressed on,the more shady he got. Soon I came to a point where I was completely confused. I thought he was out of his mind to be honest. The way he breached was by creating fake sources, and passing them by the fact checks.
He had done it with plenty articles, and people around The New Republic liked him so he wasn’t suspected. He had used his brother for fake calls. He was very good at stretching lies more, and more the deeper someone got to throw them off his track.

Stephen wasn’t innocent, as well as charming so no one had the right to call him out on anything. I thought Stephen was a weasel through out the entire movie. He just looked really shady, and the he was on to something. I thought it was a really messed up thing to do playing the whole Paper like that. I was also surprised that such a prestigious newspaper let it happen.

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